vulcan observer

Vulcan Observer

Authentication and Authorization made SECURE and EASY

What's Vulcan Observer?

A & A

Vulcan creates easy and secure mechanisms to the login (Authentication) and permissions (Authorization) processes. In other words, Vulcan is an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) able to make your (app's) life easier.



Have a single place for your user management (authentication and/or authorization).


Single sign-on

Every enterprise today wants your app to have SSO (Single sign-on). Federate users integrating Active Directory from multi companies.



Define password complexity policies and MFA (multi-factor authentication) with SMS and OTP (one time password).



Have the right attributes to implement any security model you need (RBAC, OrBAC, ABAC, etc).

Secure and Easy A & A

for everyone

We needed to add A & A secure mechanisms to some of our own apps. And now we want to help you out with that. Of course we know all the big players, but we have something that they don't: we are with you and your Devs. In no time you'll have a hardened app without needing to know about OpenID, OAuth, SAML, and all the yada yada.

Your users


Imagine a centralized site where you (and of course any app admin) can manage users and assign them every permission and attribute of every Vulcan app. Your users will have SSO with strong passwords + MFA. Your users, security admins, and security/compliance auditors will love it!

What's under de hood?

Amazon AWS

Vulcan is 100% AWS based.

It's serverless and ready to scale up: the sky is the limit!

Know the

Vulcan's Team

The company behind scenes is Porthos. A pretty new company with strong academic and professional skills that really wants to be part of great IThings.

CTO & Co-Founder

Javier Goñi, CE

Some kind of MCE (Magician Computer Engineer) able to handle every challenge and some more.

CEO & Co-Founder

Javier Echaiz, PhD

A security guy who really loves to innovate and improve processes.

Now we want you to

Contact us

Of course you have plenty of questions! We have a good product without a good product page :).

© 2021 Porthos. All rights reserved.